This Best Drawing Pencils Hack Will Be a Life-Changer

It doesn’t matter if you’re an expert in art or just a beginner pencil drawings are a great way to unleash your creativity. You can create intricate, eye-catching modern art and design projects using the top pencils for drawing.

The most effective pencils for artists feature top-quality wood casings that ensure cores stay centered and they do not break easily. Graphite pencils are generally graded H or B and come in a variety of toughnesses.

Softness -

The ease of a pencil’s surface can alter the drawing process. Drawing with pencils that are more soft produces more light marks and allow for smoother transitions in the value and tone. The more graphite a pencil leaves behind, the more softer it is.

The harder pencils leave darker marks and are ideal for drawing or writing. If used too heavily however, they may leave grooves in the paper that are hard to cover with an application that is softer.

It’s an excellent choice for beginners, as it has a nice equilibrium between suppleness and hardness. It’s also helpful for creating preparatory drawings as it doesn’t leave an excessive amount of graphite on a page that could spoil any watercolour that is later applied on top of it.


No matter if you’re just starting out or an experienced artist, the way you draw is vital to your success. A pencil that is of low-quality and has rough tips can lead to frustration and discourage new artists from continuing their design or art interests.

Soft lead pencils are softer and can be used to draw more fine details using less pressure. They blend well and don’t leave much graphite left on your paper. The more difficult pencils require lots of pressure and will leave visible indentations. The surface can be damaged of a sharp pencil by applying excessive pressure. It will also be more difficult to get rid of the marks.

The HB pencil is a medium hardness pencil that’s ideal for sketching light or technical drawings, as well as outline. They are smudge resistant and create clean lines. they’re also suitable for left-handed artists.


It’s difficult to make any adjustments or to clean your drawing if the pencil you use is difficult to erase. This is a problem for newbies and may cause them to drop their work in the first place, so it’s vital to pick a top-quality set of drawing pencils which won’t scratch or leave marks on the page.

For instance for example, the Uni Arterase pencils have a slide-in lead sleeve which protects against lead breaking and allows you to lift easily the pigment, without leaving any residue. The lead is also sturdy but smooth and blends nicely.

Staedtler Mars Lumographs are another choice. They’re encased with wood and feature a soft carbon core that is easy to sharpen. They also feel like colored crayons when you slide over your paper. This could enhance your drawing experience.


What is effective for one artist might not work for someone else. It is crucial to select an graphite pen made of high-quality materials that are less likely to break within the case made of wood.

If possible, it is best to stick with one brand to maintain the same quality. The Mars Lumograph pencils by Staedtler is one example. They are highly regarded because they have a smooth and even texture under pressure and can endure a lot of pressure.

You can save money and time by selecting an instrument with the durability of a point. The most reliable sets come with various grades that cover different aspects of drawing. This provides you with a lot of options to play around with. You can also find sets created specifically for the style of drawing which can be a great option if you want to specialise.